Blistered shishito peppers easy

Easy Shishito Peppers

In the summertime, you may notice bags of small, shriveled green peppers start to show up in your grocery store. These are known as shishito peppers! This recipe shows you how to make easy shishito peppers that are perfectly blistered and ready to serve as a summer side or snack. 


Shishito peppers are a common menu item at Japanese restaurants. When they’re blistered, the skin gets really tender, and when topped with salt, they’re the most amazing appetizer. Since they are in season, however, nothing should stop you from making them yourself at home.

Can you stand the heat?

If you have a low spice tolerance (can’t relate), don’t worry – these peppers are mild


However, 1 in every 10 can have some heat, so maybe warn your guests if you’re serving anyone who is an absolute baby when it comes to spice. 


But don’t worry too much – whenever I have come across a hot one, they are few and far between, and they’re really not that spicy. Plus, the roulette nature of these peppers is what makes them fun to serve to guests!  


In any case, you’ve been warned. 

Why you should eat peppers

Shishito peppers, like all peppers, not only give your tastebuds a kick, but they actually hold amazing health benefits


Peppers are low in calories, but naturally high in essential vitamins and fiber. In fact, peppers contain more vitamin C than an orange! This whole recipe contains:


  • 84% DV vitamin C
  • 51% DV vitamin A
  • 24% DV fiber


That’s pretty impressive if you ask me! I’d much rather just snack on these guys than take any vitamin C supplement.


This summer, switch your unhealthy snacks for these easy, blistered shishito peppers, and your body will thank you!

Blistered shishito peppers easy to make in cast iron skillet
Blistered shishito peppers easy

Easy Shishito Peppers

Blistered shishito peppers are an easy summer snack that's high in essential vitamins and fiber.
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Appetizer, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine Japanese
Servings 3 people


  • 8 oz shishito peppers
  • ½ tbsp avocado oil or any high heat, neutral oil
  • tsp salt plus more for serving


  • Heat a cast iron or stainless steel skillet on high. While the skillet is getting hot, toss the shishito peppers, salt, and oil in a mixing bowl until the peppers are well coated.
  • Transfer the shishito peppers to the hot skillet and reduce heat slightly to medium-high. Saute for a few minutes on each side, flipping the peppers occasionally until the sides start to blister. ~6 mins total
  • Once the shishito peppers char and get tender, transfer to a bowl and top off with a sprinkle of salt to serve. Serve immediately.
Keyword appetizer, shishito peppers, side, snack
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